A trilogy ring is a ring that has a cluster of three stones set along the hoop. The stone in the centre is often larger or set comparatively in a higher place than the two other stones that are identical. The three stones in these rings are said to be symbolizing the past, present, and the future.
The demand for trilogy rings has been higher always. And, people always chose the antique ones rather than the modern ones.
An Antique rings like Antique trilogy ring can be a beautiful testament to generations of romance, love and commitment. But, how will you be able to tell if your antique engagement ring is genuine? There’re a number of ways you can be assured that your engagement ring really is an antique piece. Some of them are mentioned in the passages below.
1. Craftsmanship: Most imitation rings are castings, which mean that a mould has been taken from the original ring, with a new copy then shaped making use of a casting procedure. Once the making of casting is completed, it requires being “cleaned up” by a jeweller.
That is, removing extra metal & smoothing rough surfaces. These procedures take a significant amount of time & often they are finished very quickly leaving evidence along the way.
Clues like these may include tiny bubbles or porosity dispersed across the ring, an orange peel-like surface texture mainly in the filigree shoulder detail or under-bezel & a lack of handmade accuracy expected in an antique trilogy ring.
2. Metal: With the current fame of white gold and platinum ensure the ring’s style fits the materials used in that era when antique trilogy rings were mostly made. Remember that no Early Edwardian or Victorian item can be made from either white platinum or gold, as these metals weren’t used in that period.
3. Facets: have a close look at the kind of polished or faceting angles on the jewels. Cutting styles of Antique trilogy rings were cut making use of different patterns, proportions & methods of faceting compared to today’s Modern Round Brilliant Cut diamonds.
The easiest & quickest way to differentiate an antique cut and a modern cut is to view the side profile. If the top sloping part of the stone or crown is high & the flat top panel or the table facet is small, it’s an old stone. A Modern Round Brilliant Cut Diamond, by comparison, will have flatter & lower crown, with a well-built table facet. If an “antique” ring has Modern Round Brilliant Cut diamonds, it’s surely not antique.
“Friar House” is undoubtedly one of the best places to buy antique trilogy rings from. Visit their shop- friarhouse.com to witness their outstanding collection.
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