Here’s Why Antique Jewellery Is Better For Our Environment!

Precious diamonds, metals and gemstones are mined, shifted, refined and, finally, the elements unite and form a piece of jewellery. This long procedure can be difficult for the atmosphere. And, in a gradually more eco-conscious world, it has never been that vital to reduce the impact that jewellery making has on the planet.

Sustainable contemporary jewellery can be difficult to find, but purchasing antique jewellery like Antique diamond cluster ring is a wonderful way to decrease the requirement for further mining and jewellery making procedures – making it an environmentally-friendly option.  

Antique diamond cluster ring

The pessimistic ecological impact of mining 

Both gold and diamond mining processes are destructive to the environment in different ways. Only their constant productivity justifies their continuance, in spite of the ongoing effects on this world. 

The Environmental impact of mining diamond

Mining Diamond is debatably the less impactful on the globe than taking out metal from the planet. But, the effects are considerable still. Research has exposed that mining only one-carat diamond causes earth displacements of up to 3.1 tons. In addition to that, the mining process needs 8.9 litres of fuel use and 2534 litres of water approximately.

According to a study, in order to reach the approximate 147 million carats of diamonds mined all over the world in the year 2018, the impact of diamond mining is over 455 million tons earth displacement, 1.3 billion litres fuel burned and 372 billion litre water used. Today, there’re more than 60 diamond mines that are still active in the world. Around 85% of them do not report on the effects they are having on the atmosphere. 

Antique jewellery is green 

Antique jewellery like Antique diamond cluster ring breaks the jewellery production cycle. By purchasing antique, you are actually extending the life of jewellery that’s been mined, made, and dispersed already. 

Antique jewellery was made by accomplished craftspeople centuries ago, prior to the introduction of large-scale mining. The metals and gemstones in antique jewellery won’t cause any further damage to the atmosphere. And, there’re chances that they were sourced more sensibly than they would be in contemporary production. 

Not only using antique jewellery is good for the environment, but it’s also long-lasting. Volume production, for all of its advantages, is still above all a cutback exercise and the jewellery sometimes has a short lifetime. Antique jewellery, on the other hand, has by now proven that it can stand the test of time and will probably last long into the future as well. 

Antique diamond cluster ring

Can be your Eco-friendly engagement ring 

Antique engagement rings like Antique diamond cluster rings are becoming more and more popular. Not only are they an ethical choice in respect of protecting the environment from further damage, but they are also metaphorically booming, representing the long life of a relationship. 

So, where can you get beautiful antique rings?

“Friar House” is unquestionably one of the greatest places to buy Antique diamond cluster rings. They have unique collections of antique rings which makes them one of the best places in the UK to buy antique jewellery from. Visit their shop- to behold their outstanding collection.
